Beer Can Chicken

Beer Can Chicken

  Beer Can Chicken Beer Can Chicken always turns out juicy and super flavorful! It's not difficult at all to make if you have a smoker or charcoal grill! Lets get into it! bacon up bacon greaseBarrel Proof Bourbon Barrel BlocksBrowsey Acres Pasture Raised...
Brisket Grilled Cheese

Brisket Grilled Cheese

Brisket Grilled Cheese It's worth smoking an entire brisket just to make a brisket grilled cheese. Cheesy goodness with sweet bbq sauce and the crunch of some pickled onion. Doesn't get much better! bacon up bacon greaseHeath Riles sweet bbq rubRecTeq...
Cheesy Bacon Lobster Sliders

Cheesy Bacon Lobster Sliders

  Cheesy Bacon Lobster Sliders These have all the good stuff! Buttery lobster, crisp bacon, smoky and melty cheese, and they go on toasty kings Hawaiian rolls! Kings Hawaiian RollsRecTeq Smokestone Griddle 1 package Kings Hawaiian Rolls1 lb lobster knuckles and...
Cast Iron Shrimp Scampi

Cast Iron Shrimp Scampi

Cast Iron Shrimp Scampi I love shrimp scampi and this cast iron version is super simple whether you do it on the grill or in the oven. 2 lbs jumbo shrimp (peeled, deveined)DanO's Cheesoning2 tbsp olive oil1/4 cup white cooking wine1 stick kerry gold garlic herb...